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I would be interested to hear from instructors or students who have solved the more intricate problems using other computing environments. My own choices were determined by trade-o↵s among such factors as personal familiarity, ease of use, readability of the printed record, portability between operating systems, apparent stability over time, and consistency within this manual.

I recognize that no computing environment is perfect in all respects, and that others will make di↵erent choices, for excellent reasons. In this manual I have used three di↵erent microcomputer-based computing environments: the Excel spreadsheet program for making tables of numbers and some graphs Mathematica for plotting formulas, for numerical integration and root finding, and for occasional symbolic computation and True BASIC for the Monte Carlo simulations in Problems 8.26 through 8.32. Although the problems themselves do not assume any particular computing environment, their solutions do. About 75 of the problems in the book require some sort of automatic computation, beyond what can be done with a simple pocket calculator. Of course, one can always say more about almost any question or calculation I’m sure that many students and instructors can add further insight to what is written here. The solutions are not just hints or outlines-I have tried to include as many algebraic steps as a typical student would need to write out, plus enough prose to explain both the method of solution and the meaning of the results. iii 1 Preface This Instructor’s Solutions Manual contains solutions to all 486 problems in An Introduction to Thermal Physics. 284 Appendix A Elements of Quantum Mechanics. 202 Chapter 8 Systems of Interacting Particles. 82 Chapter 5 Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics. 36 Chapter 3 Interactions and Implications. ISBN 0-9 Contents Chapter 1 Energy in Thermal Physics. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. This publication is protected by copyright.

Schroeder Copyright © 2001, 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Instructorʼs Solutions Manual to accompany AN INTRODUCTION TO Thermal Physics Daniel V.